Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#790: If You Wanna Play, You Gotta Get In The Game
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#790: If You Wanna Play, You Gotta Get In The Game

How many would-be entrepreneurs out there who won’t create a product or service not offer, out of needing to know more?

Athletes wondering what would happen if they tried out for some high school/ college/ pro team?

People who saw the man/woman who could have become the love of their life — but they didn’t say anything to the person when you walked past each other at Starbucks?

Today’s show isn’t about guaranteeing that you’ll win or even what to do to better your chances of winning. It’s about getting your ass in the game to begin with, with the game being the only place you have a chance of winning.

Today’s show is brought to you by Ask Yourself A Better Question. Learn more at

2:25 Today’s Topic: If You Wanna Play, You Gotta Get In The Game

2:49 It won’t always be easy, but you gotta be in the game if you’re gonna play

3:27 Point I: They say you only lose if you quit, but the other way to lose is if you stay on the edge of the pool and never jump in

6:07 Point II: Eventually you gotta jump in the pool

6:18 The 10% rule – you only need 10% of the information before you take action

7:33 You can’t learn things as you go unless you go

10:08 Point III: If you want bigger rewards, you must place yourself in the path of those rewards

14:17 Recap

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