Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#781: Keep Having The Same Problem? You’re The Problem
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#781: Keep Having The Same Problem? You’re The Problem

You’ve heard the saying about insanity and doing the same thing over and over again. Well, what if you keep having the same problems in your life?

If everywhere you go, you have issues with people?

If, no matter how carefully you drive, there’s some asshole cutting you off?

No matter how hard you work in practice and how good you are as a player, your coaches keep benching you never allow you play your game?

The problem must be traced to the common denominator: You.

Today’s show is brought to you by Ask Yourself A Better Question. Learn more at

2:12 Today’s Episode: Keep Having The Same Problem? You’re The Problem

3:44 Point I: If you are running into a challenge ask yourself – What did I not see in this situation that I should have been able to predict?

5:05 When you are a true professional, you can see it before it happens.

6:35 Point II: What keeps happening in your life that you don’t want and how can you change them?

8:11 What is your plan to change the situation? That is the most important question.

11:40 Point III: Wherever you go, you take you with you.

11:42 A quote by Seneca from Letters from a Stoic “The person you are matters more than the place to which you go…”

12:42 Even if you get a new car, relationship, job, you’ll still run in to the same problems because you’re still the same person

13:26 Recap

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