Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#777: How Your Time Perspective Determines Your Success
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#777: How Your Time Perspective Determines Your Success

We all have dreams and goals for the future, things we want to accomplish that we know will take time to build up to.

At the same time, we sometimes have to make decisions in the present, and deal with stuff today, like, right now.

Which time frame, the present or the future, are we considering most often when we make our choices? And what does the answer have to do with our success? You’ll learn today.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Mental Workbook. Learn more at

2:18 Today’s Episode: How Your Time Perspective Determines Your Success

2:29 Read the book Get Smart by Brian Tracy

2:58 This episode is inspired by Edward Banfield’s study based on people’s level of income and how they dealt with the perspective of time

4:15 Point I: People who lose in life only think about right now

6:17 It’s a damn long time when you are not sure if things are gonna work out

6:30 Successful people ask “What can I do right now that will set me up for the next 2 years, that will put me in a better position 5 years from now?”

7:34 You don’t want to be on survival mode your whole life

7:56 Point II: The keyword when it comes to your time perspective – SACRIFICE. What are you willing to give up now in order to be better in the future?

11:57 Thinking long term in life – you have to do things right now that will not give you any payoff at the moment

14:29 You have to decide if it is worth the sacrifice

15:15 Tom vs. Time documentary series about the sacrifices of Tom Brady to be the best quarterback

21:00 Legends who are at the top of their game all say you have to sacrifice everything else in order to be all you can be

23:44 Point III: Leaders always think about the future

24:30 You become what you think about – discussed more at The Mental Workbook

25:14 Recap

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