Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#776: How To Go Into “IDGAF” Mode
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#776: How To Go Into “IDGAF” Mode

Dirk was happy that Kobe Bryant wasn’t playing for Team USA in international competition one particular summer. Dirk knew that Kobe had so much dog in him, so much I don’t give a f**k energy — on the court at least — that that alone could possibly be enough to push the Americans to victory.

Today is about how to put yourself in that frame of mind.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:14 Today’s Topic: How To Go Into “IDGAF” Mode

2:39 Dirk Nowitzki on Team USA winning the world championships if Kobe Bryant was there by his mentality alone

5:36 Point I: You are never gonna get what you want if you are not persistent enough

8:14 “I don’t give a fuck when someone is offended by my persistence”

9:31 Point II: What matters to you enough that you will piss somebody off to get done what you need to get done?

12:30 When you’re in a frame of mind of “I don’t want to bother somebody”, you will never sell anyone on your ideas, on your goods or services

14:43 Point III: The less you care about offending people, the more you will get done

15:36 When you try to focus on two things – wanting your sell to someone and not offending others – you’re ineffective doing both because your mind is not completely focused on either one of these tasks

16:20 When you’re completely focused on the outcome that you want to achieve, you should not care about appeasing people

16:51 Listen to Episode #60: My Favorite Books, Part 1

19:35 Recap

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