I read a lot; I’ve authored 14 books and shared some of my favorite books (other than my own) in five separate episodes of this podcast. I’ve espoused the value of reading many times here as well.
Today I share my book-reading techniques.
Today’s show is brought to you by 30 Days To Discipline. Learn more at dreallday.com/30
2:20 Today’s Topic: How I Read Books
2:38 Go to dreallday.com/read for anyone who is ready to get started reading
3:02 Point I: The purpose of reading is not to win a race
3:52 The purpose of reading is just the means to an end, the end is what you actually do/achieve in life
5:18 Point II: You gotta start making decisions between your educational vs entertainment reads
7:06 Try to read at least 2 educational books for every entertainment book
8:13 Point III: A highlighter is an important tool you need if you’re gonna be reading books
8:47 Use a highlighter to go back and review the most important stuff
9:34 Use a highlighter to remember to remember what you’ve already gone over
10:44 Point IV: As you read more, choosing what you read matters more and more
12:02 Recap