I gave a TED Talk at UNLV in 2016 on this exact topic, and I talk about it often in my keynote speeches. I’m a huge advocate of pushing your confidence as far and as high as it can go, even running the risk of taking it “too far.” Your confidence fears are out of all proportion to reality. Today I explain how and why.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at dreallday.com/super
2:17 Today’s Topic: There is no such thing as too much confidence – Too Much Confidence Is NOT Your Problem
2:26 Topic discussed at the 2016 TED Talk. Watch it on dreallday.com/ted
3:53 Point I: Understand what confidence is – confidence is belief.
5:07 Caution is not what you need to get to the next level
5:22 Point II: People are just afraid of stepping outside their normal boundaries
6:26 Being super you is giving yourself permission to step out of the box you’ve been living in up to this point
8:47 Point III: The words Cocky and Arrogant are relative terms
9:38 Books to help you with your confidence: Mental Workbook dreallday.com/workbook and Super You dreallday.com/super
10:58 When people call you cocky or arrogant, there is nothing wrong with you there is something wrong with them
11:24 Point IV: How many times in the last 5 years has your confidence went too far and got you in trouble?
12:28 How many times in the last 5 years have you not gone far enough?
13:28 Which one of the two is the bigger problem for you
14:23 Recap