Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#747: Why & How To Be Political, ASAP
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#747: Why & How To Be Political, ASAP

New perspective: Politics is not a bad thing.

Politics is our human method of protecting and/or advancing our interests, and if you’re dealing with people, you’re dealing with politics. All people want to advance their interests — sometimes those interests will align with yours, sometimes not.

Whether you choose to embrace politics or not, you need to know how to use them when needed — and they will be needed.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Mental Workbook. Learn more at

2:45 Today’s Topic: Why & How To Be Political, ASAP

3:38 People often site politics in a negative fashion

5:30 The definition of politics is the act of promoting or protecting one’s self interest

6:37 When people’s political actions lead to success we call it networking but when our actions are losing we call it politics

7:08 Listen to episode 131: How To Make Politics Work In Your Favor

7:39 Point I: You cannot avoid or run from politics

8:57 If you’re going to deal with people or money understand that there WILL be politics

10:27 Point II: Politics can do for you what you cannot do for yourself

12:41 This is how the people who understand politics think

14:49 People want to be leveraged, people want to help you out

15:50 Work On Your Game does not mean that you have to do all the work

18:50 You do not have the energy, talent, and time to everything on your own

20:33 Point III: “Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber” -Plato

22:37 Recap

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