It’s not working.
No results to speak of.
Bothering people too much.
Tired of trying.
I don’t feel like it.
Someone else got results by this point.
ll great — but not real — reasons why people fail to persist in their efforts in life. Today’s show is about locking into that persistence and making it work for you.
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2:45 Today’s topic: How To Lock Into Persistence For Life
3:16 My Favorite Books episodes 60, 69, 143, 676, 679
4:30 Point I: When you are persistent, people will advise you to give up that persistence
5:10 People who are telling you to give up are just telling you what they would do
5:34 People who are rebuking you maybe close to getting your persistence, but emotionally fighting it
6:26 Point II: You must have a purpose larger than the given task at hand
8:56 Anyone you see who is really persistent has a larger purpose
9:44 Point III: Persistence is continuing in a course of action despite the difficulty
10:33 Use these challenges to drive competitiveness to stir you on
11:08 The more difficulties you face, the less competition you’ll have
12:09 Recap