Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#738: Do Not Waste Time Waiting
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#738: Do Not Waste Time Waiting

There are times to wait in life. Times we should be patient and vigilant and master the art of timing. Thing is, though most people never get to this point, where waiting is the best strategy, many of them behave as if they’re always at that point.

And they find themselves waiting for something that never happens. Time gets wasted; life along with it.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Mirror Of Motivation. Learn more at

2:48 Today’s topic: Do Not Waste Time Waiting

4:16 The reasons why we wait

4:57 We have conditioned ourselves to believe that waiting long enough means when we finally do something, it will be perfect

5:33 You just need to get in the game

6:05 Time is the most valuable resource that we have

7:45 Point I: Go before you’re ready

9:41 When you go before you’re ready you are getting ahead of your competition

10:20 Point II: Do what you need to do without permission

11:42 Doing things without permission puts you in a position of control

12:13 Doing things without permission is showing confidence in yourself

13:19 Get The Bulletproof Bundle at

14:00 Point III: Time is money

14:36 Time is life

14:49 Time is opportunity

15:28 Master the art of timing from The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

17:22 Waiting can cost you opportunity

18:39 Opportunity does not knock

20:25 Recap

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