Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#736: How To Hustle Without Being “Thirsty”
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#736: How To Hustle Without Being “Thirsty”

I cold called a guy at a company I wanted to make a sale to. He didn’t answer. I left a voicemail.

Called again and left another voicemail. Emailed him. Then called again and left another voicemail. All of this before he replied.

He replied that my style of communication — reaching out so many times in a short time window — went against what his company was about, so he wasn’t interested in dealing with me.

Whatever his company is about, it damn sure isn’t sales or anything that requires urgency.

Today’s episode is about hustling without looking desperate, thirsty, or needy. Though this unknown guy may have seen my hustle this way, I’ve made thousands of calls over the years, and he was the first.

Take notes.

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2:38 Today’s Topic: How To Hustle Without Being “Thirsty”

3:16 Thirsty means you’re trying hard to achieve something in exchange of your dignity

5:31 Let Dre show you how to hustle as hard as you possibly can without ever looking desperate

5:43 Point I: The most important mindset to develop is being professionally annoying

8:15 Being professionally annoying means not going away till you get what you want

9:12 Sometimes we are the gatekeepers to our own success

10:40 Point II: Work On Your Game #WOYG

11:51 You can make things look easy, so you do not look like you’re begging

12:33 Point III: Treat people as equals

14:26 You can get what you want from any person

15:42 The book Pitch by Oren Klaff discusses “beta traps”

17:41 The person with status, more money, or title is not more important than you

18:34 Recap

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