Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#734: Keep All Your Opinions Flexible
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#734: Keep All Your Opinions Flexible

Screaming your opinion — if you choose to share it, that is — is the best way to grab attention today. If you don’t yell loud enough, we can’t hear you. Oh — and, the people who disagree are just waiting for you to say the wrong thing so they can attack you.

Despite this current state of affairs, your opinions should never be etched in stone and “set for life.” New knowledge, experiences and perspectives can change things drastically. Keep your opinions open to possible change.

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2:49 Today’s Topic: Keeping your opinions flexible.

3:35 No opinion should be etched in stone.

3:50 “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” F. Scott Fitzgerald

4:40 Point I: Definition of Opinion- A view or judgement formed about something not necessarily based on facts or knowledge.

6:18 “Finish your plate of food” perspective.

10:10 Point II: Only the foolish man gains new knowledge without changing his views.

11:50 The most important things that changes opinions are new experiences and information.

14:45 People have emotional affinity to their opinions.

16:27 Point III: Ask why of other people who have opinions different than yours, so that you can learn what they see and know.

17:45 Two things in people that you should never insult unless you want them to hate you are people’s intellect and taste.

18:38 Barack Obama said- Instead of getting on the internet to argue and lobby insults at a person who thinks differently from you, how about having a civil conversation in real life with that person off the internet.

19:30 Recap.

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