Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#732: Hot Seat: How To Advance In My Career? Konstantin from Moscow, Russia
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#732: Hot Seat: How To Advance In My Career? Konstantin from Moscow, Russia

The Hot Seats are here! Today we meet konstantin, who’s challenge WAS getting acing his interviews to get a job — but he got a job between the time of his application and this Hot Seat. Congrats on that! WE instead discussed Konstantin’s 5-year professional plan and how he can learn from his more experienced co-workers, especially the guy at the desk next to him who currently holds the position Konstantin wants to be in.

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Today’s show is brought to you by Ask Yourself A Better Question. Learn more at

2:40 Today’s Hot seat guest: Konstantin from Moscow, Russia

2:50 Hot seats format run down.

3:48 Socratic Method

4:48 Start of Session

8:00 Konstantin’s Challenge : I want to move to Moscow. I have job interviews but I feel I can’t express all my skills and potential during a job interview.

12:05 Reference Episode 701: Why you can’t sell to save your life. Episode 625: How to sell without being salesy , Episode 393: People skills you need in order to sell successfully, Episode 337: How to sell, Episode 335: Why am I always selling and promoting stuff, Episode 293: 6 keys to selling yourself and selling your stuff.

17:30 Konstantin’s 5 year goal.

19:15 Konstantin discusses sales skills he wants to have.

22:09 Stoicism.

23:00 Suggested that there’s always something you can ask to milk every opportunity.

24:20 Ask what changes need to made to self to achieve the goal.

26:10 Reference Episode 22: Three people you should be watching.

28:25 Ask what can you do consistently everyday to help you achieve your goal.

32:05 Reference 25 conversation starters book

34:48 Wrap up: What 1 thing will Konstantin do differently to achieve goals.

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