When you hesitate to do what you know you want to do, you’re not trusting yourself. When you won’t take (what you see as) a risk, it’s because you don’t have enough trust in you to deal with whatever might happen.
Today is about building that trust, not from others, but from — and in — yourself.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at https://dreallday.com/the-super-you-by-dre-baldwin/
2:50 Today’s Topic: Trusting yourself
3:49 Definition of trust: A firm belief in the reliability, truth or strength of someone or something.
5:10 Point I: First thing you’ve got to do is strengthen and invest in your intuition/instinct.
9:25 The most important thing in building a relationship is time invested.
9:49 Point II: You must test yourself in order to know that you can trust yourself.
14:58 Point III: Trust is not something you buy, It’s something you must continuosly earn moment after moment. A feeling that you must continuously renew.
17:40 Steph Curry example.
19:30 Recap