I started to supply answers to the myriad questions I’m asked. Well then, wouldn’t it be fun to address YOUR challenges live on my show?
I think so — that’s why I created Hot Seats: Your chance to be live on the podcast being helped directly by me, in a one-on-one conversation (which all the listeners will be able to hear, by the way). Listen in to know how they’ll work and what to expect when you listen and/or participate.
Learn more at https://dreallday.com/hot
2:29 Today’s Topic. Hot Seat introduction
3:29 Reason for the Hot Seat
5:07 There will be interviews on the WOYG podcast
6:43 First thing about the The Hot Seat: is not an interview it’s Dre helping you out with your challenge
7:48 Disclaimers
9:00 Second thing about the Hot Seat: WOYG started as a solo podcast, the reason why…
11:30 We all want to hear dialogue.
13:20 3r’d thing about the Hot Seat: Applying does not guarantee that you get a spot on the Hot Seat
14:07 4’th thing about the Hot Seat: When you get on the Hot Seat I will tell you what I see and I will tell you what I know to be true.
15:05 5’th thing about the Hot Seat: The Hot Seat is your opportunity to get help from me directly.
16:27 Recap