Work On Your Game Content/Business & Entrepreneurship/$70,000 Revenue in 1 Hour and 55 Minutes...
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$70,000 Revenue in 1 Hour and 55 Minutes...

[Or, How 3 Media Appearances Made Me $60,000 (And Counting) With $0 Ad Spend…]

One hour and fifty-five minutes. 

That’s how much time, total, I was on the air for 3 of the many shows I guest-appeared on between 2015-2017. 

One was a well-established business podcast. 

The other was me on just one of many studio shows that a particular company ran every day.  

The third was a live stream conversation on an app that a guy had created. 


Shot live in-person

And a live stream. 

The lengths were different. 

The questions were different, too, as were the audiences and the contexts of the conversations. 

Regardless, on all three, I did the same three things. 

It’s actually the same three things I do in these emails, in my videos, in my keynotes and on my audio show (which you may call a “podcast”). 

The formula is simple enough, and the meat that fills in that formula can be taught to anyone who wants to use it. 

It works. It’s the very reason you’re reading this right now, in fact. 

Those three guest spots? None of those shows paid me to appear. 

The money came from what happened after the shows. Those appearances are still generating income for me to this very day. 

Can I share with you what it is and how it works? 

In Week 4 of the 10-week group coaching system that starts in a couple of weeks, you’ll get your first taste of that formula, and you’ll learn how to start using it. 

It has never failed me, and it very well could change the trajectory of your business career. 

Register your seat here before they’re all gone—capacity is LIMITED:

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