I have friends who are so cautious it’s laughable. People who get nervous about spending tiny amounts of money. Some who want full assurances of safety or success before even dipping the toes in water. People who live with a. Constant undercurrent of fear controlling their (in)actions.
I used to try talking logically to them about their foolish caution. It’s never worked. Luckily I just read a book on persuasion that would help a lot more. I’ll update you on that.
Today’s show is my very convicting argument against caution and people’s propensity for trying to play it safe. That mindset is the most dangerous way of thinking there is..
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Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website DreAllDay.com.
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Twitter & Periscope @DreAllDay
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