I had a friend growing up who was a point guard in basketball. He was under 6 feet tall, and valued his shooting and dribbling above any other basketball skill.
One day we were playing a game of 2-On-2 at the local park. The guy my friend was guarding was taller and much stronger. He bullied my friend all game and scored on him repeatedly, layup after bully-ball layup.
I didn’t feel sorry for my friend. I had told him many times before that his lack of strength was gonna cost him eventually.
Today, players still approach the game as if their position or skill determines what skills they need or don’t need. This isn’t true: every skill you lack, the higher the competition level, the quicker and more ruthlessly it will be used against you.
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Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website DreAllDay.com.
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Twitter & Periscope @DreAllDay
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