50 Cent went to a drug rehabilitation program as a teen. Not because he was a drug user — he had been caught dealing drugs, actually — but because his lawyer was able to work out that deal instead of young 50 being sent to prison for his crime as a first time offender.
There, 50 said, he had to go through the program the same way a true addict needed to. He had to share his story at weekly meetings and listen to that of others. And when someone had anything negative to say about 50’s past as the dealer they saw as responsible for their addictions, there was a rule: You couldn’t respond to anything someone said to you until Friday. You had to hold in your reaction until Friday.
That’s where 50 learned to bide his time and manger his emotions.
Hopefully you don’t end up where 50 was.
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Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website DreAllDay.com.
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