Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#459: Foundational Work: Unseen, Un-Sexy & Unattractive – And You Still Must Do IT
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#459: Foundational Work: Unseen, Un-Sexy & Unattractive – And You Still Must Do IT

I developed my basketball dribbling skills with a practice series that I made up on my own.

I knew the outcome: be better at handling the Ball in game situations. The challenge was that I wasn’t good at it, and I didn’t know what to do to fix it. I had a good basic understanding of which dribbles I needed, though, and came up with a simple, easy-to-do daily routine that took about 10-15 minutes. It wasn’t at all flashy or even impressive to watch, at least to me, but I knew I’d have to do it to become a better player.

Through training, programs, marketing deals, ad revenue and sponsorships, that basic homemade routine has made me thousands of dollars.

All because I understood I had to get the foundational work down cold before I could do anything else.

That foundational work is what today’s show it all about.

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