Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#444: Attention is The New Money: Here’s How To Get It And Keep It
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#444: Attention is The New Money: Here’s How To Get It And Keep It

When I was growing up, the phrase “keep it real” was the hugest of orders. Be true to yourself, don’t lie about your past or present, never copy anyone else’s style. Any form of fakeness ended your run of respect, admiration, money and everything else. You had to keep it real at all costs.

Nowadays, being real isn’t as important. As a matter of fact, some very famous people have made a lot of money promoting images that are so obviously not-real that it’s actually part of their presentation. If you can get and keep attention, you can run the show.

Money will always be money. Now though, respect and realness aren’t worth what they were. Attention is what gets you rich.

Today, learn why that is, and what you’ll do to start getting seen, heard and known.

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