Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#433: Being Who You Wanna Be: What’s Stopping You?
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#433: Being Who You Wanna Be: What’s Stopping You?

Every day, I see people being who they’re supposed to be.

Maybe they’re doing it for business purposes, such as getting along with co-workers or pleasing bosses. Maybe they’re playing the perfect family husband/wife role. Maybe they, as adults, are still playing out the role their parents embedded in their unconscious minds as children.

Whatever the reason, they’re not fully expressing themselves. And for some, it would be hard to get them to admit it. But I can tell.

I can tell when a person is being something other than themselves. I can see the split second of hesitation in their actions. The small pause of conscious thinking between stimulus and response that shows me they have to think about what they’re supposed to do/say/be in the moment.

It’s not sad. It’s life.

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