This had to stop. Today.
I had come home from playing in Montenegro, and was sure I would land a new contract in the summer of 2008. But no contracts did come. My then-agent, who never got me any playing contracts, was busy not getting me any playing contracts. It was autumn now. And I had grown to despise autumn, because it signaled the fact that I was still at home in the USA, while pro teams were starting their seasons without me.
I had to do something about this. The problem was, I had no idea what to do.
The solution was, I cared about putting a stop to this – whatever this was — more than I was worried about the problem of not knowing what to do.
I sent a couple of boldly worded emails. In writing these messages, I wasn’t concerned with offending anyone, seeming to forward, or otherwise injuring a relationship. The relationships weren’t doing anything for me anyway, what did I have to lose?
A week later, I was on a transcontinental flight to Europe.
Today, learn the mindsets that I used, and still use to this very day, to make sh** happen when nothing is happening.