Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#400: Authority: Stop Asking For Opinions And Start Giving Them Out
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#400: Authority: Stop Asking For Opinions And Start Giving Them Out

I had met her during my sophomore year, up at State College in a club. She was staring at me from the seat at the bar, and I knew what her look meant. It turned out she attended the Altoona campus as well. We exchanged information. I was at her house, in her bedroom, four days later.

The thing I like best about her was that she knew what she wanted, and she had no problem looking me in my face and tell me what that was. Too many people lack that ability.

Time went by, and we kept in touch. During my senior year, I met up with her again, in State College again. By now, she was living in State College, in some off-campus apartment with a few roommates. But she had her own bedroom, which is all that mattered. What was even better was that her roommates were not even home. So no noise restrictions.

Another thing about her was that it didn’t take much for me to get her adequately aroused, so much that she would tell me even MORE of what she was thinking and feeling.

“Do whatever you want with me!”

That was the first time a female had ever said that to me. I liked the feeling.

What I learned from that: when a female is into you, that’s exactly what she is thinking. The thing is, many people are just so self-conscious that they would NEVER say something like that. When she’s into you and open, you can do whatever you want, and she will not stop you. She WANTS you to do it. Most of us, though, are too self-conscious to do whatever we want – even when invited.

Today’s show is about treating life like I treated that girl who invited me to treat her, without waiting for an explicit invitation.

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Show notes, comments and links for all episodes can be found at

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