Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#40: The Process To Life Success [WOYG Podcast]
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#40: The Process To Life Success [WOYG Podcast]

There are many pathways to success. No one way is right and, as long as you reach your goals, there isn’t anything inherently “wrong” with what you did to get there. However, there are some principles of success that will make your journey shorter, faster and more efficient. And I got them from watching a college football coach dominate his sport over the past several years.

Success does have a process to be followed — or The Process, rather. Nick Saban has made The Process famous at Alabama in winning the championships he’s getting over there. And I gleaned 3 steps you can take form Nick:

1) Focus on the moment and be 100% present were you are. Not on the past, future, or anything else going on in the present other than what you’re doing.

2) Focus on execution of your job, and doing your best at it, instead of the overall outcome — which, if the people are involved, you do not control anyway. This helps increase focus and can be done by anyone, to just do their best right now on this one part of the overall game/job/etc.

3) Combine commitment to the booed and add is SKILL, she ability to do well what you’re doing, and you get success. Guaranteed.

Try it and see.

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