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4 Secrets To A 9-Figure Business

There was a technology company started back in the 1970s.

Personal computers were far from popular back then. But the two founders had a hunch that they would become popular, so they jumped in with both feet.

The company did well for many years and even went public. As they grew, more people got involved, leading to the original CEO being ousted from his own company.

By the turn of the century, things were turning bad or the company.

After exhausting all other options, the company’s shareholders finally decided there was only one move left. They asked the old founder, the ousted CEO, to come back and save their asses.

He agreed.

By this point, the once-proud tech company was confusing and bloated with no clear direction. They were selling too many versions of their computers. Customers didn't know what to buy or why to buy it. Sales were down. The company that the second-time-around CEO came back to was on the verge of going out of business.

The CEO got busy.

He fired a bunch of people to cut costs.
Shut down entire departments.
Most famously, he cut down the company’s product lines to make things simpler for everyone.

Instead of 17 different desktop and laptop computers, the company would now have ONE of each. No way a customer would be confused about those choices.

He also decided that the company would innovate. They’d focus on emerging technology to develop new product lines, instead of just making more of the same old computers.

The company flourished.
As a matter of fact, they're still flourishing today.

If you know the skeleton of this story, you may know that this “tech company” is Apple.

The CEO is Steve Jobs.

The “emerging technologies” were the iPod, iPad and iPhone.


Today, Apple still focuses on only a few products.

Here’s how they make their money ($394,000,000,000 – that’s BILLION – in 2022):

52% iPhone
10% Mac computers
7% Wearables
30% Home accessories & services


There’s a billboard space across the street from my home. It’s prime real estate for brand advertising. It’s not cheap to have that space.

Apple has had it for years.

They change the ad every 4-6 weeks. 90% of the time, it’s an ad for the iPhone. Apple finds different ways to talk about the same product, and pays tens of thousands for the privilege to do so.

You don't have Apple’s revenue or ad budget. But you can borrow some of the things they do.

1) Offer fewer things and be great at those few things. [80/20 Principle]
2) Market the hell out of the same things over and over again. [Marketing = the Lifeblood of your Business]
3) Make your business simple enough to be explained on a napkin. [Clarity]
4) Focus on selling your best stuff over creating new stuff. [Inch Wide + a Mile Deep]

👆You don't need an ad budget or a billboard to do these things.

But you DO need the mindset, discipline, accountability and a clear strategy.

I can help:

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