Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#396: How To Get Things Done: Get In People’s Faces
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#396: How To Get Things Done: Get In People’s Faces

In the Fall of 2008, I was really annoyed.

I’d come back from playing professionally in Montenegro, where I had been the best player on the team. My outside shot was feeling great, I had my athleticism back after dealing with knee issues (practicing daily in a messed up gymnasium), and I was ready to continue my career. After a rough, very up and down start, it was all supposed to go much smoother now.

I had even secured an agent (!!!) who was supposed to help me get my next deal.

Supposed to.

The season began, and many players went across seas to play for their teams. I was still at home, waiting on a phone call from my agent. When I wasn’t calling him and getting the voicemail, I was wondering why the hell this was happening all over again.

Finally in October, I got tired of asking why things were happening, and decided to be what was happening.

There was a guy in Germany who had been following my videos on YouTube for years and would occasionally leave comments. He let on that he was the general manager for a club in his country, and he liked my game. But when he first came to me, I was already signed to a deal Dash so I didn’t really need him, though I appreciated him being fan. We had exchanged some messages in my inbox in the past, but nothing serious, nothing about playing for his team. But I was at the end of my rope and I needed something to happen – NOW.

I sent this guy a simple, to the point message: are you guys going to sign me or what?

I was on a plane to Frankfurt the next week.

Today’s show is about making things happen, about that personal initiative topic I mention at the top of every show. If you want things to happen, you cannot wait for people to find you. You need to go find THEM. Then you let them know what you want, why are you want it, and how you want it. You will be happily surprised at how often you get it.

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Show notes, comments and links for all episodes can be found at

Direct mp3 download: [mp3 download link]

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