Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#3177: The Middle Class Curse
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#3177: The Middle Class Curse

In this class, I’m talking about “The Middle-Class Curse” and why being in the middle class is the worst spot to be in mentally and energetically. A month ago, I did a four-part series (starting with episode 3143) about why the middle class is disappearing, focusing on the tangible and financial side. Today, I’m breaking down the mindset side—how being in the middle class affects your thoughts, actions, and results. Listen in, and I’ll explain why this position holds so many people back.

Show Notes:
[03:37] #1 At the lower class, you have to go help the family or help yourself because your situation is only going to get more fucked up if you do nothing.
[12:51] #2 If you're rich or wealthy, you're in the upper class, you have a duty to keep the dynasty going by your last name.
[21:39] #3 The middle class have it the worst because you have no internal ingrained drive to do anything different.
[28:57] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
3143: There Will Be No "Middle Class" [Part 1 of 4]
3144: There Will Be No "Middle Class" [Part 2 of 4]
3145: There Will Be No "Middle Class" [Part 3 of 4]
3146: There Will Be No "Middle Class" [Part 4 of 4]


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