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3 Levels of People – Which Are You?

Small minds discuss people.

Gossip. Reality TV. Who’s arguing with who online.

Average minds discuss events.

All of what’s on television. Debate shows. Who was best-dressed at the awards show last night. Watching other people’s lives. Living vicariously through your favorite celebrities and athletes.

98% of people are in these first two groups. They pay with their time, attention and money to get excited about what everyone else is doing.

This is why most people, by definition, are average.

Great minds discuss ideas.

These are your book readers. Course takers. Conference attendees. Mastermind members. People actively seeking to be moved out of their comfort zones and paying for the privilege.

Every day, you are becoming more like the people you associate with.

The average 98%…
Or the great 2%.

Most of your default associates — coworkers, neighbors, childhood friends and family members — are average-at-best people. They’re good, honest people, but they can’t raise your level.

They’re holding you back.

If you want to be in that third group…

What masterminds are you a part of?
How many in-person conferences have you attended this year?
Who can you text or call, right now, and discuss new business ideas with?

For most of you, the honest answers are none, none and nobody.

You need to be in the mix with people who are making it happen.

Here’s the next step:

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