When I was 15, other kids my age would talk shit to the older men around us, on and off the court.
“When I’m 30, I won’t be living with my parents!”
“When I get to your age, I’ll be waaaay better than you are at basketball right now! Shit, I’m only 15 now!!”
I’ve seen and heard from many of those same peers over the years. Most of their prophecies never came true.
Back then, I would always wonder why kids my age would use their youth as a crutch (an excuse to waste time or just be dumb) or some guarantee of future success (you’re older than me; I’ll far surpass what you’ve done when I get to that age).
I never thought like that. If I was going to compare myself to the older guys, it was so I could be better than them right then, not later on. And if I wasn’t better right then, I kept my mouth shut.
Nowadays many young people throw around the same excuses kids – including me – used when I was growing up. So today I’ll obliterate some of those excuses with the talking-to I wish someone had given me at 15.
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