Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2756: Why You're Not Getting Better At Your Job
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#2756: Why You're Not Getting Better At Your Job

In today's class, which is why you are not getting better at your job again, I thought about this topic when I was looking at a basketball player, and I realized this player has been in the pro leagues for several years. He hasn't gotten any better at the skills. He's the exact same player he was when he came into the league. And how is that possible when he is a very well paid individual but can't seem to improve at his job? What the hell is he doing when he's supposed to be getting better at his job, when he's supposed to be working on his game? I don't know. And that led me to thinking of these points.

Show notes:
[09:09]#1 You are comfortable just having the position and not really concerned about getting better or even being good at what you do.
[20:44]#2 You are a robot who only does what is asked of you and you are not looking for ways to improve the circumstance of the environment which you occupy.
[31:02]#3 You lack personal initiative and you lack ambition.

Episodes Mentioned:
183: Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles Of Personal Achievement, Part 1 (#1-9)
184: Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles Of Personal Achievement, Part 2 (#10-17)


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