Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2751: Why "Believe All Women" Is A Farce
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#2751: Why "Believe All Women" Is A Farce

On today's show, we're talking about the whole Mel Tucker situation – you know, the football coach from Michigan State who got fired over sexual harassment allegations by Brenda Tracy, that consultant speaker. Now, Brenda's got this whole career built around her own story of alleged gang rape. The thing is, her past story was never proven in court. So, we're digging into why the "Believe All Women" thing might be a bit of a stretch. We chat about biases, the need for a fair look at both sides, and why it's crucial for guys to be careful and accountable in relationships. Keep an eye on this ongoing case, and let's keep it real, folks.

Show notes:
[18:48]#1 Men and women both have the capacity to lie.
[27:47]#2 Ongoing feminization of society has tipped the scales in favor of this alleged female victim accusing a man with resources, of wrongdoing.
[33:18]#3 Men, it's time to hold you accountable. Do your research on these women before you get in too deep.

Episodes Mentioned:
1824: The “Race Hustler”; Who, What, Why, And What To Do About Them
2200: The Feminization OF Sports
2309: How To Do DIE The RIGHT Way
2213: Men: Why Your Need To Be More Direct
2171: Men: Step Up And Do Your Job!
1948: Females To BUY Vs Females For RENT
1431: Discernment: Your Skill Of Perception And Judgment


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