Junk is those old or discarded items that are just taking up space and have little to no value. Trash, we know to dispose of, but junk is different—it's the stuff we hold onto for reasons we might not fully understand. It could be sentimental or just irrational, but it's time to address it.
In today's class, we're tackling the topic of decluttering our lives and getting rid of the junk. We need to recognize what no longer serves us and ruthlessly let it go. I will share a story about my college days and the junk pile I accumulated. The lesson is clear: junk is what we refuse to release, and it's getting in our way.
Show notes:
[09:02]#1 Junk is something you no longer want, need, or have serving a purpose, but you are still holding on to it.
[17:35]#2 The six month rule and 80-20 principle.
[24:33]#3 You need vacuums.
Episodes Mentioned:
2724: How To Clear Dead Weight
2733: Living In “The Void”
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