Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2672: Entrepreneurs: Stop Climbing Ladders
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#2672: Entrepreneurs: Stop Climbing Ladders

Today’ topic is all about stopping this never-ending climb up ladders. It's all about putting an end to those mental and physical efforts to live up to standards that other people have set for you or that you've allowed to be imposed on you, especially in a specific area. I'm talking directly to my fellow entrepreneurs out there who find themselves on these ladders that others have set up, ladders that might be causing inefficiencies in your business while tugging at your emotions.

This is a battle, a real tussle between your emotions and your logic, and I'm here to break it down for you. So, let's get right into it.

Show notes:
[07:56] #1 Certifications.
[15:58] #2 Empty metrics.
[24:58] #3 Think and consider what the wins are for you.
[28:13] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1690: A Dirty Secret That Social Media Platforms Don’t Want You To Know

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