Hate means to feel an intense or passionate dislike for something or someone. It's that strong feeling that many have been told to avoid or suppress, as if it's something negative or harmful. But here's the twist – I'm here to tell you that hate can actually be beneficial for you.
Today, we're diving deep into a topic that might challenge your usual thinking. The topic for today is: "What Do You Hate?"
Instead of pondering what you want, consider what you hate. It's an experiment worth trying. If you can't quite put your finger on your desires, identifying what you dislike might just be the key to unlocking your path. So let's get into it and uncover the energy that can propel you forward.
Show notes:
[08:40] #1 If you can't figure out what you want, you definitely know the things that you hate.
[15:47] #2 Humans push the strongest when there's something to push back against.
[22:36] #3 A successful life is a battle against mediocrity, failure, fatigue, complacency, and the pull of the average.
[27:06] Recap
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