Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2650: 25 False Money Beliefs That Are Keeping You Broke [Part 2 of 8]
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#2650: 25 False Money Beliefs That Are Keeping You Broke [Part 2 of 8]

In this second part of this masterclass, I will break down the difference between doing a task and actually selling a product or service. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you know how to sell it. I will offer tips and encourage you to dig into resources to up your sales game.

Money is created, not scarce. I'll explain how money is made and why it's abundant. It's all about positioning yourself to welcome money into your life. I will also share some insights about how money's value depends on faith in the system. Lose that faith, and things could change dramatically.

Remember, money's not just a random thing – it's about understanding how to play the game. Stay tuned for the next episode!

Show notes:
[07:14] #4 Wealth and money is only for lucky and privileged people.
[12:25] #5 “I can't make money doing what I love.”
[17:18] #6 Money is scarce and hard to come by.
[25:07] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1058: Limiting Your Associations: 3 Levels Of People
1880: The Law Of Association


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