Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2623: Mo' Money, Mo' Problems [Part 2 of 2]
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#2623: Mo' Money, Mo' Problems [Part 2 of 2]

As your income increases, you'll experience real-life changes, especially when others start noticing your achievements. Some of these changes might be positive, while others could pose challenges.

Let's dive into the topic of "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems Part Two." Today, we'll shift our focus to some of the more tangible and visible aspects. These are the things you can physically see with your eyes, not just the visions in your mind.

Keep in mind, these changes are relative and depend on your circle's expectations and financial background. Let's explore how these shifts can impact your life.

Show notes:
[8:43] #1 You become a target for people who want an easy payday.
[14:00] #2 You become the savior for people who have not done what you've done and are hoping that you can help them in ways that they either cannot or have not or will not help themselves.
[19:03] #3 Your influence increases, which means you have more eyeballs on you.
[23:04] #4 You become a target of resentment from those who have not achieved what you have achieved.
[25:52] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2174: There Are No Perfect Scenarios – Only Trade-Offs
1547: You're In SHOW Business
1549: Why Some Old Friends Become "Old Friends"

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