Leading is great when the team is winning and everyone is happy. You look good, people think you’re better than you actually are (maybe), and things are easy.
The real test of your leadership comes is not necessarily when things go bad, though. It’s the time when someone you’re charged with leading decides he doesn’t want to follow you. It’s when that loyal person decides she doesn’t want to listen to you on this one.
This could happen when hints aren’t going well, yes – people start second guessing your leadership and if you really do know what you’re talking about.
But it can also happen when things are great: your people start believing they are better than they actually are. They start wondering if they can lead, too. Things are going so well, why do we need to follow you?
What do you do then?
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Learn more (much more!) about Dre – basketball career & Guides, Programs, Speaking – at his website http://DreAllDay.com.
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