Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2587: How To Get In The Back Door
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#2587: How To Get In The Back Door

Consider a scenario where you're seeking entry into a specific business, pursuing a particular job, or attempting to secure a gig in your industry. You might desire access to a certain individual or an exclusive group that doesn't readily accept newcomers. While the front door may not be accessible to everyone, there are always alternative routes to achieve your objectives.

So, how else can we gain entry into spaces that don't readily accommodate us through the basic or conventional means? This is the question we will address today. This topic is relevant to all of us, especially those involved in sales, marketing, or self-promotion in any capacity. Finding alternative approaches when the initial ideas or traditional methods fall short is essential. Now, let's explore the strategies and possibilities together.

Show notes:
[14:04] #1 Triangulate.
[19:56] #2 Think like a chess player.
[26:55] #3 Connect with somebody who's already on the inside.
[37:16] Recap

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