Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2581: "And" Not "Or"
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#2581: "And" Not "Or"

The concept of load management in basketball has players voluntarily sitting out games to prioritize rest and perform better in important postseason matches. However, this trend raises questions about the value for fans and the mindset of players.

In the past, athletes played all regular season games and excelled in the playoffs. It's a shift in mentality, not skill, that allows us to pursue everything we want without sacrificing one for the other. This mindset extends beyond sports and applies to anyone striving to achieve multiple goals.

Let's delve into the topic and explore how the seed for this idea was planted when I was actually looking at basketball players.

Show notes:
[13:33] #1 This is the mindset of achieving all of your desired outcomes and embracing the responsibility that comes with it.
[18:49] #2 Why does this mindset matter?
[22:15] #3 The mental toughness is required to achieve your goals.
[27:10] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2043: What & Why Over How
2561: The Slap In The Face That You Need [aka Stop Softening Reality]

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