There are likely numerous misconceptions that people believe will boost their earnings, but I will focus on the most common ones that entrepreneurs encounter. I will explain why these beliefs are misguided and offer alternative approaches that can truly assist you in generating more money.
Today, we delve into part three of this series where we discuss the topic of money-increasing myths. These are beliefs that you may have been taught or have somehow come to believe, but in reality, they do not hold true when it comes to increasing your business revenue. I am here to address these myths, although it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list. Let’s go!
Show notes:
[07:17] #7 Post more on social media.
[12:09] #8 Be more consistent.
[20:49] #9 Trying to figure things out on your own.
[26:47] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
2539: The Best Financial Investments To Make
1125: Ignorance Vs Stupidity: The Difference + Your Future