Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2557: Stay Close To The Money
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#2557: Stay Close To The Money

In today's era of collaboration, relationships have become an invaluable currency.

Today's class is about "Stay Close to the Money." We'll explore how this metaphor applies not only to financial success but also to achieving your goals in life.

So, let's dive in and discover the key principles that can help you build these vital connections.

Show notes:
[7:41] #1 Fastest way to get anywhere in life is not through hard work.
[10:32] #2 Identify individuals who are already where you want to be and stay as close to them as possible.
[12:55] #3 You do not need to pay attention to everyone.
[16:36] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
283: TMI: Choose Your Gurus and Eliminate The Rest

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