Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2555: Why I Won't Write Another Book For a Long Time* [Part 2 of 2]
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#2555: Why I Won't Write Another Book For a Long Time* [Part 2 of 2]

Today, I will be continuing the discussion on why I have decided to take a break from writing books. As a content creator, I have a natural talent for producing a vast amount of material with relative ease. However, my focus has shifted towards helping individuals achieve real transformation in their lives. I have come to the realization that a book, though informative, is not enough to facilitate this process. It's like getting lost in the act of "information masturbation." It feels good, but it's not actually taking you anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, books can be an excellent source of knowledge and inspiration, and I still enjoy reading them. The point is, if you're ready to make a big transformation in your life, you don't need a book to get started. So, let's skip the "masturbation of information" and get straight to the real work of transforming our lives.

Show Notes:
[5:54] #4 My focus is on helping people get a transformation.
[10:20] #5 While I acknowledge the importance of books, it's vital to recognize that a $15 book is not the ultimate source of transformation.
[13:45] #6 Most thought leaders write books as lead magnets to attract individuals to their larger and more extensive programs.
[18:02] Recap

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