Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2551: Don't Be "That Friend"
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#2551: Don't Be "That Friend"

Today's class is "Don't Be That Friend." Now, let me assure you that when I use the term "friend," I am being incredibly generous because the individual we discuss today hardly embodies the essence of true friendship. Brace yourselves for an exploration of unparalleled insights!

Show notes:
[7:43] #1 The definition of "that friend".
[11:46] #2 Do not only contact your audience, your followers, your email list, only when you have something for sale.
[18:38] #3 The significance of touch points.
[21:03] #4 If you are uncomfortable reaching out to people, it's going to be hard for you to win friends and influence people.
[23:25] Recap

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