Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2548: Signs That You Need To Hire Help [Part 2 of 2]
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#2548: Signs That You Need To Hire Help [Part 2 of 2]

As a professional speaker and business coach with over 20 years of experience, I have seen countless individuals struggle to make progress in their personal and professional lives because they insist on doing everything themselves. In part one, we discussed the first three signs that it's time to seek assistance: feeling overwhelmed, lack of progress, and the inability to prioritize.

Today, we will delve into three more crucial indicators, including the importance of insight over information, the dangers of going it alone, and the critical role that discomfort plays in achieving financial success.

So buckle up and get ready to take your first step towards achieving your goals!

Show notes:
[6:34] #4 Using the phrase that you are always open to new information.
[9:49] #5 Working on things on your own is not always the answer.
[20:35] #6 One of your goals is to make more money, but you don't want to hire anyone because it's going to cost money.
[30:42] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1177: Insight: The Key To Going From 1X To 10X
2526: Your Excuse Is Your Reason

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