Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2546: "At Your Own Pace" Is Too Damn Slow!
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#2546: "At Your Own Pace" Is Too Damn Slow!

Let me ask you this, have you ever found yourself saying, "I'm working on this thing and I'm doing it at my own pace"? If so, let me tell you why this is a problem.

Today's class, where we will be diving into a topic that I believe is holding many of us back from achieving the success that we desperately desire. What is that topic? Well, it's the notion of doing things at your own pace.

Break free from this limiting mindset and start achieving the success that you desperately desire.

Show notes:
[6:58] #1 Why do all the best performers have coaches?
[13:08] #2 Doing things at your own pace means staying within your comfort zone and doing only what's convenient for you.
[16:56] #3 Doing things at your own pace is not the solution, it's the problem.
[19:42] Recap

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