Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2541: Physical, Mental & Emotional Work
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#2541: Physical, Mental & Emotional Work

In today's class, we will delve into the three facets of work that are essential to achieving success in any endeavor. Physical, mental, and emotional work all play a critical role in our ability to achieve our goals and make progress in life.

Physical, mental, and emotional work each require a unique approach for optimal productivity. By focusing on the 20% that produces 80% of results in physical work, understanding the peak state of our mind for mental work, and controlling our emotions in emotional work, we can achieve greater success and avoid burnout.

By the end of this class, you will have a better understanding of how to optimize physical, mental, and emotional work to achieve success in your life.

Show notes:
[7:39] #1 Physical work.
[15:13] #2 Mental work.
[18:24] #3 Emotional work.
[20:33] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1856: Working Smarter And Not Harder
2155: Emotions: Great Gas Pedals — Terrible Steering Wheels

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