Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2533: Who I DON'T Want In My Audience
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#2533: Who I DON'T Want In My Audience

In contrast to yesterday’s episode, today I’m going to call-out those who I don’t want in my audience.

Weaklings and those who can’t take responsibility and control of moving towards their goals and getting the results that they want, don’t belong here.

Some of those who fit the description of what I lay-out here today, would have the initiative to look at themselves in the mirror and make some adjustments ; while some would eventually just kick themselves out because naturally things I say would not resonate with them.

Listen up and decide which one are you!

Show notes:
[7:07] #1 Consumers of nonsense.
[09:54] #2 Weaklings
[18:00] #3 Liars.
[20:16] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1286: How To Be A Person Of Substance
2442: The 5 - 15 - 80 Rule
1364: Rejection Marketing: Drawing People In By Turning Them Away

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