Investing in oneself can be a daunting task, but it's a necessary step in achieving success.
Today’s class we will focus on the importance of not being cheap with investments and how it can impact various aspects of one's life. Invest in things that will help you make more money in the long run.
Learn the importance of investing in oneself and learn how it can lead to a brighter future.
Show notes:
[06:36] #1 Investment is a down payment on your future success.
[10:59] #2 You only get one physical body. So you shouldn't go cheap on what you put in it or how you work on it.
[12:52] #3 If you're going to invest in something that can help you make money, you shouldn't hire the cheapest.
[19:07] #4 Invest in access.
[20:50] #5 Never regret investing more than you were initially comfortable with in any area of your life.
[22:51] Recap
Episodes Mentioned:
609:The 5 Forms Of Investment, And How To Use Each
2527: Your REAL Job As A Salesperson
2525: How Systems & Goals Work Together