Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2526: Your Excuse Is Your Reason
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#2526: Your Excuse Is Your Reason

The ability to overcome objections or excuses is crucial for making progress towards one's goals.

In this masterclass, I’ll share insights on how objections are often the very reason why one should take action. I’ll break down the concept of the "chicken and egg" problem, and explain that success does not always require money. Instead, clear principles and a strong mindset are necessary for making tough decisions and investing in oneself.

Don't let objections or excuses hold you back from achieving your dreams. Take the first step and start working on your game today.

Show notes:
[6:46] #1 The chicken and egg problem.
[12:33] #2 The fastest route from point A to point B is a straight line.
[15:29] #3 You and I are creatures of habit.
[20:53] #4 You need to have clear principles.
[25:43] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
2478: Money, Wealth & Poverty: A Discussion
2437: The ICE Method For Wealth Creation
1477: How To Create Wealth
1835: The 3 Marketing Traffic Strategies And How To Use Each
2456: Confronting Your "Rational Lies"
2466: The Law Of Inertia
468: The Graveyard: The Most Valuable Real Estate On Earth
2504: Being Hurt Vs Being Injured: A Discussion Of Principles & Standards
2447: The 80% Principle
2320: Money-Increasing Principles
2211: Principles, Then Strategies, Then Tactics

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