Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#2518: How To Make Someone Feel Heard
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#2518: How To Make Someone Feel Heard

Effective communication is not just about speaking; it's also about listening. In today's fast-paced world, people are often too focused on getting their message across that they forget the importance of actively listening to others.

Today’s class, I’ll talk about how to make other people feel heard and how it can enhance communication and influence positively. The ability to hold space for others and create an environment where they can express themselves freely without judgment or interruption is a valuable skill in today's world.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow and become a better communicator – listen now!

Show Notes:
[8:42] #1 Active listening.
[11:34] #2 Empathy.
[18:44] #3 Holding space.
[24:56] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
1772: The 21 MUST-Have Career "Soft Skills" [Pt. 1 of 5]
1773: The 21 MUST-Have Career "Soft Skills" [Pt. 2 of 5]
1774: The 21 MUST-Have Career "Soft Skills" [Pt. 3 of 5]
1775: The 21 MUST-Have Career "Soft Skills" [Pt. 4 of 5]
1776: The 21 MUST-Have Career "Soft Skills" [Pt. 5 of 5]
1314: Hustle: Learning To Play The "Game"
1210: Don't Complain -- Play The Game!

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